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Friday, August 24, 2018

The Key toMaking MoneyOn Instagram - TheMindset

Always Expand your Knowledge

To start this book off, I'd like to personally thank you for purchasing my e-book and taking a chance on me to further your knowledge and expand what you know about Instagram. By taking this first step, you have already proven that you are willing to invest in your education. This is a crucial idea that you will have to embrace in order to become successful online. The reason being that the online world of social media is constantly changing. From my experience, the people that make the most money on the Internet, are the ones that are constantly learning and teaching themselves new tricks and techniques to further their business.

So keep that in mind as you begin to make extra income off of social media and the internet. Always set aside a portion of your earnings that you will use to further develop your knowledge and understanding of Internet business and Internet marketing. There’s always something new that can be learned, and even the slightest detail can give you the upper edge. 

Just to give you an example of this, a friend of mine was making a great deal of money from his Facebook page that heused to target a very specific niche. Using Facebook ads, he quickly grew his business and began making a lot of
money selling various health related products to his targeted following. As time went on, the niche that he was targeting started to become more and more saturated, making it harder for him to make a large profit on the products that he was selling. In short, he was forced to shrink his profit margins.
Another friend of mine that I actually met at a conference, was in the same sort of
business, using Facebook groups and Facebook ads to sell an arsenal of different products. However, unlike my first friend, he educated himself daily and discovered that there was enormous potential on different platforms besides just Facebook. Using his knowledge, he quickly expanded his business on to Instagram, twitter, Pinterest, and even YouTube. 

The two friends both started in relatively the same place. However, one chose to adapt to the changes in the social media realm, making his business triple while the first friends business shrunk. 

In the world of online business, it is essential to be constantly expanding, and researching how you can further develop your audience and customers. Now I know this book is about Instagram, but I just want you to keep all of this in mind while you are reading. Instagram is probably the hottest social media platform for making money today, but that doesn’t mean that it will always be this way in the future. Furthermore, I predict that Snapchat will in fact dominate in the years to come. With this being said, you should try to use the growth that you will experience on Instagram to build an empire of social media followings, spread across a variety of different networks.

The Instagram Battle

In order to make money on Instagram, you need a large following of people. The more followers that you have, the more money you will make. With that being said, gaining followers on Instagram can be extremely tiresome andgruelling.

Always remember the endgame, andconstantly remind yourself why you aredoing this in the first place. There will be days during your Instagram journey when you just don’t feel like posting, and feel like you are making noprogress. This is all part of the process.Gaining a following on Instagram andbuilding up a network of niche relatedfollowers is something that requires aninsane amount of patience andpersistence.

How I Make Hundreds Per Post 
Dave Wells

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